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Fake Forex traders use the TINDER application to seduce and deceive their victims

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Dating sites and applications such as Tinder or Happn, despite their security systems, are a good place for many attempted romance scams. However, and this is a new development, these sites are also used to prospect victims, this time for fake FOREX investments.

It all starts with a sentimental approach, a like followed by a request to make contact on your Tinder app. You discover a charming young woman who is neither too far nor too close to you geographically, but above all is pleasant and interested in your profile, without going overboard of course. It’s a safe bet that her looks will not leave you indifferent and the first few exchanges will be rather easy, giving you a glimpse of an endearing relationship under the sign of trust without foreshadowing the worst. Deciphering in 4 steps.

Step 1: Seduction on Tinder

You discover on her profile photos a delicious young woman, mostly of Asian origin, with her cute little dog. The seduction works with some information about her professional activity, very but very « executive director » confirming her financial independence. Finally, someone who is not attracted by your money. Only your personality and your charm count in his eyes turned towards you with hands in prayer ready to receive your love.

Tinder scam

His age? 31 years! Ideal to look for a serious story but still young enough to make a mistake and why not take advantage of a married man. Everything is still possible. The typical profile for a wide range of people! 28 – 65 years old, but you must have some knowledge of English because Ella only works her charm in the language of William Shakespeare. And what about your looks? Don’t worry, it’s not what she’s looking for in you. EllA is a serious and emotional woman who is looking for a serious relationship.

You’ll notice that the little blue star next to her age means that Ella has given your profile a super like. This is a paid feature on Tinder to allow you to express her greatest interest in you.

Stage 2: Arousing curiosity

Now it’s time for the questions, after several days and many exchanges. Why did she choose you? What does she do for a living? What is her daily routine? Where does she live? Will you be able to see each other despite the distance that separates you? In short, existential questions that every person asks in such a situation.

Her goal is to be discreet, while leaving the door to her secret garden ajar. Yes, Ella has a secret that allows her not to worry about money and her financial future. All she cares about is finding her Prince Charming. Who knows, maybe it’s you?

Confident and seduced, curiosity compels you to ask the question she has been waiting for since your first contact. How does she manage to earn so much money so easily? She has you on the edge of your seat and will finally tell you her long-awaited secret, just for you!

Step 3: Make yourself a rich man

Ready to share the wealth! Ella explains that her uncle is a great FOREX trader and thanks to him you will become rich. To do this it’s very simple, you just have to pay money via a reloadable PCS card, which you can find at your local tobacconist’s, or make a first transfer of 1000 euros which will lead to others whose details will be sent to you in the form of a hypertext link directly on the Tinder chat. This link sends you to a crypto-currency platform where your payment will of course be untraceable and unrecoverable.

Tinder scam

Stage 4: The setback

Whatever you decide to become, rich or not, your bride will abandon you as soon as she has seen the light. No time to lose, there are other victims on the fire. Some will find themselves the victims of a breach of trust, having been robbed of several thousand euros, and others, more gullible, will find themselves the victims of a heartbreak.

In conclusion, do not expect the lucky owner of the secret of eternal wealth to take advantage of it for your own good. All the more so as behind this attractive profile is a swindler masked behind an IP address who has very easily created a false persona with false photos in order to manipulate you.

WARNING! We are in contact with dozens of victims of this scam via Tinder and other dating sites. Do not hesitate to write to us to be added to this collective.

Asian girl scam
Stoeln photos used to make up fake profiles on social networks
Philippe Miller

Philippe Miller

Journaliste professionnel, télé et web, carte de presse n°115527, depuis 2010, spécialiste des arnaques financières, des paradis fiscaux et des mafias.


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